Join us in our mission
Our vision is a world that’s united and strong. Communities working together, supporting one another, leaving need and poverty behind for good.
Small Change,
Big Difference.
Penny Appeal USA is a relief and development organization with a really BIG vision for the world. We want to create the best communities we can; to break the cycles of need and poverty for good. That’s why we work to turn small change into a BIG DIFFERENCE.
Get to Know Us
Learn more about the Penny Appeal team, our founder, and our board.
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Penny Appeal USA: Since 2016
We are a proud member of an international Penny Appeal family that celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2019.
Penny Appeal was set up in 2009 to provide poverty relief in the United Kingdom as well as across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa by offering water solutions, organizing mass feedings, supporting orphan care and providing emergency food and medical aid. Since then we have transformed lives and empowered communities around the world, helping to break the poverty cycle and build brighter futures.
Today there are member offices in Australia, Canada, and South Africa as well as country offices in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Jerusalem.
Check out stories and updates from our team, partners and supporters

One Million and counting...
people helped since 2016
Through our various programs, we were able to make a lasting impact for communities, families, and victims of disasters. Click below to read more about our work.
Looking to fight poverty?
Join the Penny team.